Rabbit Proof Fence
Originally called the Rabbit Proof Fence, the Vermin Proof Fence was conceived in an attempt to prevent rabbits entering the agricultural areas of the state and combat the devastation caused by to cereal crops and pastureland. It runs north and south 37km east of Perenjori.
The enormous task of building such a fence from the south to the north coast was undertaken in 1901 and when finished it stretched 1,827km from near Hopetoun in the south to Cape Keraudren, north of Port Hedland.
A fence west of Fence No 1 was constructed later and its line is crossed just east of Cunderdin on Highway 1. No 3 fence was later built out of Geraldton to meet No 2 fence and deter emus from invading the agricultural areas.
By 1907, the three fences were looked after by a staff of 35. 25 of these were fence runners. There were also three rabbiters and two camel drivers.
Handy Photo Hint: The best place to get a great photograph and view of the Rabbit Proof Fence is opposite Mongers Lake Lookout.

Despite never setting foot in the outback, British adventurer, Ms Lindsay Cole, walked 1,600km through the remote Western Australian bush. Ms Cole said she was inspired to do the walk by the film Rabbit Proof Fence, which she saw about a decade ago while backpacking in Australia.