Karara Rangeland Park
Karara Rangeland Park refers to the group of six former pastoral leases east of Perenjori – Warriedar, Burnerbinmah, Thundelarra, Lochada, Karara and Kadji Kadji – that were purchased through State and Federal funding for conservation. Covering an area of 560,000 hectares, the park is unallocated Crown land managed by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) for conservation, heritage protection and recreation. Initially the department focused on controlling feral animals, wild dogs and weeds but works to prepare and promote the park for recreation and tourism are now underway.

Park includes 100km of 4WD tracks and allows camping – see fees below.
For more info visit: https://parks.dpaw.wa.gov.au/park/karara-rangeland-park
Camping fees and accommodation charges
Day visitors will not be charged for entry to the park but fees and charges for overnight use will be introduced.
Camping fees Cost per night:
Adult $8
Concession $6
Child $3
Thundelarra Shearer’s Quarters Cost per night accommodation charges:
Adult $20
Concession $15
Child $10
Features of Karara Rangeland Park
Diverse geology, scenic landforms, ranges, hills, breakaways, outcrops, mesas, granite formations.
Mongers Lake and associated streams, swamps and clay pans.
Wildflowers and diverse vegetation types rich with birds, reptiles and mammals.
Ancient Aboriginal culture and many sites of heritage significance.
Relics from past use by the pastoral, mining and sandalwood industries.