
Located north of Perenjori and immediately to the east of the Wubin-Mullewa Highway and the railway line, the site of the Bowgada Townsite is marked by a small timber sign. All that remains of the town are the ruins of a house, a shed, some foundations, tanks and several established trees.

Settlement at Bowgada commenced from c1910. Jim Campbell and his eldest son Harry were the first to settle in the area and others soon followed, especially after roads were cleared. The townsite was gazetted as Chubble in 1913 but changed to Bowgada in 1914. Bowgada is an Indigenous Australian word used to describe a bush that is found in the local area from the Acacia ramulo.

The town was originally a railway siding for cropping and stock, two industries that still thrive in the area.

After “a drawn out struggle with the Education Department a small school was established at Bowgada and in 1924 Jim Chomley’s Store and Post Office opened. The store, later known as Maurice’s Store, a timber and iron building with a residence to the rear, burnt down c1932. An Agricultural Society was formed in 1926 which assisted in securing a free grant for land for a sports oval and tennis court. A Hall was built using voluntary labour where many social activities were held. The Perenjori Co-operative Co. opened a branch in 1928, however business slumped when the Depression hit and the store was sold for £700 in 1936 to Mr Stephen Maurice and his wife Lily. The weatherboard building, which also accommodated the Dalgetty Agency, the post office, and the telephone exchange, was later purchased by Gilbert Allen and his sister Mrs Matthews. It was subsequently sold to Mrs Dorothy Flavel who lived in a house north of the store which” was later relocated to another location. The school closed on 31 October 1941 for amalgamation with the Morawa School. The post office at Bowgada closed in 1974 and the stock yards were dismantled the following year.

(Sources: Cannon, E.S., “Golden Opportunities”, pp. 103-7, Ros Cunningham & Sears, M., “Bowgada History Booklet”)